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Power by the Hour

eGSE for aviation

The decarbonization of aviation operations is developing fast and to reduce emissions, airports are rapidly replacing diesel-powered equipment with electrical ground support equipment.

Electric ground support equipment

Electric ground support equipment, or eGSE, refers to all electric units used in airports to service parked aircraft.

A sub-category of eGSE is GPU (Ground Power Units) and here we distinguish between:

  • Electrical GPU’s (line-powered ground power units are powered by the mains at the airports)
  • Battery-powered ground power units, also known as eGPUs

eGSE is an important part of the decarbonization of the aviation industry, which helps the industry transition to alternative equipment such as battery-driven eGSE and ground power units.

itw gse 7400 eGPU in portugal

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Advantages of battery-driven GPUs

An eGPU (battery-powered ground power unit) lacks moving parts, which are notoriously vulnerable to wear and tear, keeping maintenance costs virtually non-existent.

Another advantage of the eGPUs is that there is no direct CO2 or NOx emissions into the working environment, meaning a cleaner and safer working environment for the operators and for the climate.

And last but not least, battery-driven eGPUs are almost silent, reducing the noise levels at the gate, in the hangar or wherever you deploy your eGPU to the great benefit of both ground handlers, passengers, and airport neighbors.

The popularity of electric GSE

survey from March’24 carried out by Aviation Pros, revealed that almost 80% see eGSE as moderately or extremely viable  for ground handling’s future, and approx. 65% of the surveyed indicated to adopt eGSE in the next five years.

The main drivers for eGSE adoption are listed to be; sustainability initiatives and industry regulations/mandates. Next to the main drivers are the following incentivizing eGSE adoption; new technology, safety features and total cost of ownership.

The overall challenge of eGSE adoption is the lack of infrastrucure to charge the electrical ground support equipment used at the gate and on the aron.

As more and more eGSE is finding its way onto the apron, we support the increasing needs for charging infrastructure with new charging solutions like the DC Charger or the Power Share which lets you charge your eGPU or other AC units with excess power from your 2400/2400 Power Coil or 3500 PCA without having to upgrade existing gate infrastructure.

If you want to know how to imporve your already installed power at the gate, our Area Sales Managers are alway ready to help you.