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Mai 24, 2019, posted in News

Congrats to Jan Berg – 40th Work Anniversary

Today we are celebrating Jan Berg for his 40 years with our company. Jan berg is based in Odense, as a senior member of...

Mai 15, 2019, posted in News

Want to save 87.567 kg of CO2?

All you have to do is to replace just 1 diesel GPU by 1 eGPU to achieve CO2 savings of 87.567 kg! Simply Amazing....

Apr. 12, 2019, posted in News

Okinawa Japan chooses ITW GSE Pre-Conditoned Air Units

AGP has decided to test the ITW GSE 3400 PCA 210 at Okinawa, Japan, which has a very high temperature and humidity. The installation...

Apr. 12, 2019, posted in News

Visit from Finavia

This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Finavia and our Finish distributor Jarmo Kosamo at Captium Security and Defence OY. Finavia has a...

Apr. 12, 2019, posted in News

Sprechen Sie Deutch? Do you speak German?

Hallo deutschsprachige Kunden! Wussten Sie, dass unsere Webseite jetzt auf Deutsch verfügbar ist? Drücken Sie einfach die kleine Flagge im oberen Teil des web-sites,...

Apr. 08, 2019, posted in News

Visualisation of Our Vision

Every day, the aviation industry is met with new and increasing requirements from airports wanting to go cleaner and greener. ITW GSE naturally takes...

Apr. 05, 2019, posted in News

Engineering is in our blood!

Educating our distributors enables the end users to get fast local response. This week, technicians from Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, New Zealand, Singapore...

März 08, 2019, posted in News

ITW GSE får stor anerkendelse

ITW GSE er blevet valgt til Danish Exporter of the Year 2018. Hvert år uddeler eksportforeningen prisen til én ud af mere end 600...

Feb. 27, 2019, posted in News

The 7400 eGPU in on display in Singapore

The Inter Airport South is Asia is now open. We will be delighted to welcome you at the ITW GSE stand D30 in Hall...

Feb. 18, 2019, posted in News

What do Madrid and Kittäla have in common?

Both airports have taken an ITW GSE 7400 eGPU into service within the last week. We therefore can confirm that the 400 Hz eGPU...

Feb. 13, 2019, posted in News

Approval of GPUs for Lisbon

Back in the start 90’ies, we sold a number of 400 Hz ground power units to ANA (Aeroportos e Navegaçào Aèrea) for  Lisbon airport....

Feb. 08, 2019, posted in News

eGPU in Service with United Airlines

United Airlines is taking huge steps for a greener future. ITW GSE had the pleasure of presenting our ground breaking 7400 eGPU (400Hz ground...