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Over the past years, ITW GSE has designed and commissioned thousands of airport projects, including PCAs and 400 Hz equipment. Our experience shows that, because most gate-power and air-supply systems are designed to cover worst-case scenarios, these systems operate with 30–50% surplus power.
Hosted in the ITW GSE 3500 PCA, Intelligent Power Management (IPM) harnesses this surplus to meet your needs for improvements at the gate. By constantly monitoring consumption and allocating power dynamically, IPM makes sure your GPUs always have the power they need – while never exceeding the gate's total capacity.
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IPM is a great solution for airports that want to expand capacity at the gate without investing in new infrastructure. It is also ideal for airports planning a new terminal or stand. For new projects, IPM reduces complexity and the cost of power-related installations.
Intelligent Power Management is a key technology behind EcoGate, ITW GSE's high-efficiency system of ground support units that work together intelligently.
By linking your ITW GSE units together, you can unlock new efficiencies and remove power-related barriers to affordable progress at the gate.
Additional benefits include easier operation and less risk of human error, lower installation costs, better environmental performance, and modern infrastructure planning based on a microgrid approach.
Download the EcoGate brochure:
IPM is hosted in the 3500 PCA which manages the complete gate system. An integrated current limitation prevents the intelligent PCA from drawing more power than what is available. Should the GPUs that are the most critical connection during flight preparations require maximum power, the PCA smoothly adjusts its own consumption, so the total system consumption stays below the preset limit.
This allows you to exploit the difference between the installed power and the actual consumption!
The 3500 is also the physical nexus of the EcoGate system – with a single power line from your main power source running to the 3500 and then multiple lines running from the 3500 to your other units. This saves you from having to deal with more power lines or having to install more power at all.