On this page you find instructions, spare part lists, links to videos and more for the ITW GSE 7400 400 Hz eGPU.

7400 eGPU Support
For Manuals and Diagram, please contact us, informing us the serial number of you equipment.
For Data sheet, please download the brochure.
Fault Finding Document 140-180kVA
Schematics - Please contact your Customer Supporter.
Instruction Videos on Youtube
Many technical challenges can be solved easily by learning the solution via a video. Therefore, you find a collection of the ITW GSE instruction videos on our Youtube channel.
How to check the Software Revision
Need help?
We are here to help!
Please drop us an email describing your challenge.
Including the Serial Number for you product will help us to speed up the support process.
You find the serial number on the Name Plate.
The Serial number can have one of the following structures:
- 5 or 6 digits followed by slash '/' and then additional 2 digits. Example: xxxxxx/x.x
- The letter 'A', followed by 6 digits, slash and then additional 2 digits. Example: Axxxxxx/x.x
- 3 digits, followed by the letters 'PS' and then additional 5 digits. Example: xxxPSxxxxx
North and South Americas: support@itwgse.us
Outside of the Americas: support@itwgse.com