With ITW GSE into a greener future!
Flexibility · Zero Emissions · Silent Operations · No Maintenance · ROI < 2 years
To help the industry recover and accelerate the transition into a greener future, ITW GSE brings a new eGPU family member into play. The company can now power aircraft from business jets to narrow and wide-body aircraft with emission free battery GPUs.
Until ITW GSE launched the game changing ITW GSE 7400, 400 Hz battery driven Ground Power Unit – the first of its kind – there was no alternative to the diesel GPU at remote areas. Bearing in mind that the diesel GPU accounts for more than 40% of the total emissions during a turn-around, the arrival of a new emission free eGPU naturally created a lot of interest in the market both from commercial and military customers. With the addition of the ITW GSE 28 VDC JetEx eGPU to the battery portfolio, the interest only increased.
Now, ITW GSE announce the arrival of another eGPU to complete the battery family. It’s a 180 kVA, 400 Hz model including a 140 kVA model off the same platform. The new and more powerful eGPUs are especially suited for wide-body aircraft as they have two 400 Hz power outlets and larger battery capacity than the 90 kVA eGPU. With the completion of its strong battery family, ITW GSE can supply an eGPU for any aircraft.
180 kVA eGPU
CO2 and Cost Savings
In comparison with a corresponding diesel GPU, ITW GSE estimate CO2 reductions in the order of 275,000 lbs CO2 per year for the new 180 kVA eGPU, based on 5 hours of use per day. Also on the bottom line, the replacement of one diesel GPU with an eGPU stands out. Assuming that the diesel unit consumes approx. 165 litres of fuel per day, still based on the conservative 5 hours use, savings of more than 50.000 EUR per year on fuel costs1) alone can be achieved. Besides, major savings on maintenance can be taken into account, as eGPUs have no moving parts, vulnerable to wear and tear. The result is a Return of Investment of only 2 years for the 180 kVA. Amazing!
Defense Customers Give
Thumbs Up to the eGPU
For customers wanting to go greener and cleaner, the eGPU family is the ideal solution. The eGPUs are neither dependent on diesel nor on electricity at input. They can be used anywhere where 400 Hz or 28 VDC supplies are needed: gates without fixed 400 Hz, at remote parking areas and in hangars. Recently, the eGPUs have also proved their valued with armed forces!
During 2020 several military air bases in Europe had the opportunity to test and familiarize with the ITW GSE 7400 game changing eGPU. Despite the fact that the military aircraft power demand is lower than that of civil aircraft, one airbase was very surprised with the battery capacity. After three days of use, the eGPU was still running without being recharged in between. Defense customers also brought up other benefits, namely that the eGPU finally provides armed forces with a good opportunity to show environmental commitment without compromising operations. Further, they were thrilled to discover that the emission free and silent eGPU is indeed well suited for hangar use as well.
ITW GSE 7400, 28 VDC eGPU
100 Starts on a full charge
The 7400 JetEx 28 VDC battery powered ground power unit can provide power to aircraft like the Cessna Citation, Beechcraft, Gulfstream and other business jets as well. Contrary to other 28 VDC battery GPUs on the market, the 7400 JetEx has a very high battery capacity that allows for days of use before it needs to be recharged. Actually, it is powerful enough to perform at least 100 engine starts on a full charge. Besides, the voltage quality delivered is simply excellent! The JetEx eGPU is super quiet and emission free. Apart from providing a comfortable working environment, the ITW GSE 7400 JetEx eGPU also limits running costs, because it does not contain any rotating parts, subject to wear and tear. Also worth mentioning is that the JetEx is so small that it can easily pass under the wing of an aircraft.
Go Instantly Green
Cut Costs
Mid-2020, ITW GSE launched an interesting financial solution that they have named Power by the Hour (PBTH). The purpose of the solution is to support sustainable development initiatives. PBTH is a fixed-rate subscription plan that provides instant access to green equipment without major capital investments. Apart from that PBTH is very flexible. Customers pay only for what they need and the subscription can easily be scaled to suit new requirements. This win-win situation also saves money for its customers.
Find more information here.
1) at a diesel price of EUR 1.10 and kWh cost of EUR 0.10
- Reduced CO2 and NOx Emissions
- Reduced Noise Level
- Savings on Operating Expenditures (USD 120K in 10 years for 90 kVA)
- Total Cost of Ownership lower than diesel
2 years for the 180 kVA with above numbers. 4 years for the 90 kVA - Batteries can be repurposed as power banks