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Customer Support
All the support you need
Meet the ITW GSE - Support Team.
The ITW GSE Training Academy is your path to gain more and new information on all the products.
In need of returning a part? Click here to see the return form and addresses.
Please reach out if you have additional questions contact us.
Ground Power Units (GPUs)
Pre-Conditioned Air units (PCA)
Our legacy brands
ITW GSE has manufactured Ground Support Equipment for the aviation industry since the late 1940'ties.
Our legacy brands cover AXA Power, Hobart, Houchin, Trilectron, ITW GSE Military and J&B Aviation. Although the name is now different, we still supply Power, Air, Cables, and Hoses.
For support related to legacy equipment please contact us.
Contact Us
Cannot find what you are looking for?
E-mail us detailing your issue.
Please include the Serial Number of your product, this will help us to speed up the support process.
You find the serial number on the Name Plate.
The Serial number can have one of the following structures:
- 5 or 6 digits followed by slash '/' and then additional 2 digits. Example: xxxxxx/x.x
- The letter 'A', followed by 6 digits, slash and then additional 2 digits. Example: Axxxxxx/x.x
- 3 digits, followed by the letters 'PS' and then additional 5 digits. Example: xxxPSxxxxx
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